Frank Hearn Letter of Recommendation
"I am a practicing environmental lawyer who has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1982 and I practice allover the state. I also earned an undergraduate degree in engineering science and mechanics and a master's degree in zoology, both from the University of Florida., prior to my education in the law. As a result of my environmental practice, I meet and work with many engineers., geologists and other scientific and technical professionals. I have had the opportunity to work with Excel Engineering on many projects over recent years and I have recommended Excel to clients on several occasions. I am aware and have heard agency people express their confidence in Excel's professional qualifications and performance. I have grown to count on Julian Coto, Allen Turner and Marie Rhodes at Excel Engineering for various environmental engineering and management needs, most especially in connection with the assessment, design, supervision of construction and improved operation of a number of waste water treatment facilities. I have also worked with them in the context of litigation on waste water design issues with good results. Excel is exemplary in using their expertise to assess tIle problenls, prepare plans to resolve them and to seek and obtain timely approvals needed from appropriate agencies. Excel's diligence helps assure me that our projects meet requirements and will diminish environmental issues and that our projects are completed in a timely manner. Their professional team of engineers and project managers keep us informed witll timely reports, quick responses, and informative communications, which helps our clients complete projects with minimunl delays."
-Frank L.Hearne,Esq.